Category Archives: Publications and Reports

CAST Guide d’Évaluation des Conflits (2014 Reprint)

Dans le cadre de sa mission, le FFP se concentre sur le développement de stratégies pratiques et d’outils constructifs permettant de faire face aux questions liées à la sécurité découlant d’Etats fragiles et en déliquescence. Un de ces outils est le CAST (Conflict Assessment System Tool), une méthodologie développée par le FFP qui permet d’évaluer […]

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CAST Conflict Assessment Framework Manual (2014 Reprint)

FFP focuses on developing practical strategies and constructive tools for meeting security challenges stemming from weak and failing states. One of those tools is CAST (Conflict Assessment System Tool), a methodology developed by FFP for assessing the vulnerability of states to collapse. It measures this vulnerability in pre-conflict, active conflict and post-conflict situations. The methodology […]

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FFP Annual Report to the Voluntary Principles Plenary 2014

Report for the Calendar Year 2013 A founding member of the Voluntary Principles, FFP is strongly committed to continuing its support of the Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights (VPs). We publicly endorse the VPs on our website and undertake efforts to raise public awareness of their existence as well as to support information […]

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Human Rights & Business Roundtable Annual Report 2013

BY J.J. MESSNER* The mission of The Human Rights & Business Roundtable is to promote the rule of law and open societies. Launched in 1996, the Roundtable was the first forum designed for multinational businesses and mainstream human rights organizations to discuss issues of common concern in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, and confidentiality.

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Conflict Bulletin: Adamawa State – January 2014

BY PATRICIA TAFT* Formed in 1991, Adamawa is one of the largest states in Nigeria. Located in the country’s northeast, it borders Cameroon to the east, Borno state to the north, Gombe state to the west, and Taraba state to the south. Its position makes it a key corridor between Borno, a hub of Boko […]

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Conflict Bulletin: Edo State – November 2013

BY NATE HAKEN Conflict Bulletin: Edo State – November 2013 Edo state is in the south of Nigeria, located next to Delta and Ondo states in the Niger Delta region. It has a total population of about 3.2 million people, according to current estimates. The primary ethnic groups are the Edos, Bini, Owan, Esan, and […]

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Human Rights Training for Security Forces in the Extractive Industry

A Unique Partnership Between an Oil Company, a Peacebuilding NGO and the Cameroonian Military BY J.J. MESSNER   Cet article est aussi disponible en français A comic book may not seem like an obvious method of training military forces on human rights, but that is exactly what the Fund for Peace (FFP) has used for […]

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Conflict Bulletin: Rivers State – August 2013

BY NATE HAKEN* Rivers, among the largest of the oil-producing Nigerian states, had been at the heart of the Niger Delta militancy until 2009. Now it is beset with a different array of issues as former combatants have turned to criminality, and uneven economic development continues to pose a challenge to sustainable peace and human […]

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Failed States Index 2013: The Book

BY J.J. MESSNER, NATE HAKEN, KRISTA HENDRY, PATRICIA TAFT, KENDALL LAWRENCE, SEBASTIAN PAVLOU, FELIPE UMANA The Failed States Index, produced by The Fund for Peace, is a critical tool in highlighting not only the normal pressures that all states experience, but also in identifying when those pressures are pushing a state towards the brink of […]

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Press Release: Failed States Index 2013 Released

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2013 Failed States Index Released: Somalia ranked most troubled state for 6th straight year; Finland remains at best position; Mali, Mauritania, Syria and Burkina Faso fall; Japan recovers. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fund for Peace today released the ninth edition of its annual Failed States Index (FSI), highlighting global political, economic and […]

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