Companies in the extractive industries can have an important role to play in promoting sustainable and prosperous societies by creating employment opportunities, contributing to infrastructure development and providing both direct and indirect benefits to the local and national economies. However, oil, gas and mining companies, particularly those operating in fragile or conflict-affected environments, must also carefully manage relationships with local communities and public and private security forces.
To this end, FFP provides risk and security assessments to companies around the world, primarily in the oil, gas and mining sectors, who are seeking to implement the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights or simply improve relationships with local communities.
We frequently support companies in their development of the following activities:
- Human Rights & Security Polices
- Conflict and Human Rights Assessments
- Community Relations and Stakeholder Engagement
- Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms
- Training
We have also worked with multilateral investors and companies in the extractives industry to develop trainings and guidance to better integrate human rights into their daily operations and security arrangements.
To date, FFP has worked with companies in more than a dozen countries across North and South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
For more information on our training programs, visit our Capacity Building and Training page.