Recognizing the tensions which often arise surrounding oil, gas and mining operations, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected environments, FFP provides human rights training and guidance for public and private security forces operating in the extractives sector. We have worked with companies and security forces around the world to improve relationships with local communities and better integrate human rights standards into training and daily operations.
For example, in 2013 we developed a human rights training program in partnership with Dallas, Texas-based Kosmos Energy and Cameroon’s Bataillon d’Intervention Rapide (BIR). This training seeks to provide soldiers with a practical understanding of how to safeguard the safety, security, and human rights of the people they come into contact with. As part of this program, the core of which is a classroom teaching module, soldiers were provided with comic books that present a practical representation of situations they commonly encounter, and the “right” or “wrong” way of dealing with those situations.
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