Programs Manager
Natalie Fiertz is a Programs Manager at the Fund for Peace. She principally works on FFP’s state fragility and resilience and its conflict early warning and response programs. Natalie leads the annual production of the Fragile States Index, and has provided strategic and analytical support on projects assessing state fragility and resilience for several multilateral development banks. In addition, she has provided technical support to the ECOWAS Early Warning and Response Network (ECOWARN) and the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND). Finally, she co-manages FFP’s responsible business practices portfolio, which brings together public, private, civil society, and academic institutions around ensuring best practices in mining operations in Ghana and Colombia.
Natalie has field experience in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, India, and Mali and holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. Prior to joining FFP, she worked at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions. Natalie was born in Zurich, Switzerland and grew up in Washington, DC and New Delhi, India.
Zurich, Switzerland
University of Chicago
B.Arts (Public Policy and Economics)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland