Category Archives: Daniel Woodburn

Planning for the Unpredictable

BY DANIEL WOODBURN Photo by Donnie on Unsplash As Yogi Berra wisely said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”[1] Through an international relations lens, it certainly is tough because 1) we do not know when a crisis might strike, and 2) it is surprisingly difficult to know how a country will perform […]

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L’Etat, C’est (Pas) Moi: France’s Mystifying Improvement on the Fragile States Index

BY DANIEL WOODBURN Photo by Antoine Schibler  on Unsplash On its surface France may appear to be a country in turmoil, even decline, rocked by regular protests and an increasingly polarized political landscape.[1] Popular discourse of increasing state authoritarianism and declining public services would seemingly place it in the company of the United States under […]

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Nigeria Briefing: A Security Framework for the Niger Delta

By Sarah Cockey, Natalie Fiertz, Nate Haken, Patricia Taft Nasri, Wendy Wilson, Daniel Woodburn Although overall levels in violence in the Niger Delta have improved over the last five years, there are increased economic pressures which have the potential to reverse those gains unless government, civil society, and development actors work to develop a security […]

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