Over the last eight years PIND Foundation has built a robust Conflict Early Warning and Early Response (EWER) system in Nigeria’s nine Niger Delta states. What makes this EWER system truly unique is not only that it systematically links raw empirical data with qualitative analysis and response planning, but it does so in synergy with other local, national, and international platforms and mechanisms. Primary data from PIND’s own trained community-based field monitors are integrated with data being generated by other early warning systems for cross-validation and triangulation, then presented on a publicly available Peace Map for joint analysis and response, including risk management and conflict sensitivity planning, as well as peacebuilding. The platform also maps the locations of hundreds of organizations working to promote human security in Nigeria, who have registered to receive email alerts when violence has recently escalated in their vicinity. With hundreds of trained field monitors, tens of thousands of data points, and widely disseminated early warning products, this early system is among the most systematic and transparent around. Fund for Peace is proud to have partnered with PIND since the beginning and in the drafting of this manual. We hope that this will encourage development and peace actors in Nigeria to better understand and collaborate with PIND, and for others to learn from PIND’s experience in the application of these principles and best practices in early warning and early response.

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