This memo focuses specifically on the month of August (data coding and upload lags by a month) for the eight NSRP focus states: Borno, Yobe, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Rivers, Bayelsa, and Delta.

For the month of August, the NSRP Sources filter generated more reports about Violence Affecting Women and Girls (VAWG) than any other source integrated onto the platform, an indication that the data collection effort is filling an important gap in the information landscape. In addition, since the publication of the last memo, there has been a mapping of five additional Agents of Peace focused on gender in Borno, a state where previously there had been no such self-identified actors in the database. These additional resources will help local peace actors with scoping and networking, thereby potentially increasing their effectiveness on the ground. Quantitative data suggests that although the month of August was slightly improved from July, in terms of the number of VAWG incidents in the eight NSRP states, on an annualized basis, 2014 is on track to be the worst year since 2009.

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