Launched in 1996, the Human Rights and Business Roundtable was the first forum designed for multinational businesses and mainstream human rights organizations to discuss issues of common concern in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, and confidentiality.

Today, the Roundtable meets throughout the year and focuses largely on the extractive industry, although the lessons learned and case studies of the Roundtable provide value to all sectors.

Past events have focused on topics as diverse as training protocols for security forces, good governance, community and host government engagement, and application of the Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights in non-extractive sectors.

The Roundtable is…

  • Confidential – The Roundtable facilitates off the record dialogue between human rights, business, and legal experts.
  • Collaborative – The agenda is set by and for its members, constantly striving to reflect the current interests of our members.
  • Constructive – The Roundtable focuses on joint advocacy, education, and action, building the internal capacity of each individual member while providing the opportunity to make a difference in the global community.
  • Cost-efficient – The Roundtable gives corporate members a competitive edge by reducing liabilities, strengthening relationships to stakeholders, and enhancing brand image. In turn, this face-to face dialogue allows NGOs to voice their concerns to corporations directly, saving the time and energy associated with other campaigning methods.

We believe that, by bringing together diverse actors and building relationships in an atmosphere of trust, all members can develop more effective, and ultimately more sustainable, programming.





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